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Birthday Ice Cream November 9, 2008

Posted by liajo in comfort food, good things.
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ice-cream-15Today is my husbands birthday.  Happy birthday dear.  All he wanted for his birthday was an ice cream maker.  So that’s what he got.

Our local Ace Hardware had the one he wanted so that’s were we went.  Even in November they still had one.  Ace Hardware has everything.

And today we had home made ice cream.  For the first run out he opted to make old fashion vanilla.  It was great.  Just like Tasty Freeze soft serve.

Truth be told by the time we bought everything we needed to make one gallon, whipping cream, rock salt and half and half we probably could have bought 5 to 7 gallons in the store.  But I guess that isn’t the point.

My husband asked me if it brought back any memories and I said yea, it did.  Me, my sister, two younger aunts, dad and grandpa on the back porch.  I always cranked first because I was youngest.  Then it got to hard for us to turn so we went to play.  Then my sister and aunt would be mean to me.  Great memories.  No really they are great memories.

Oh yea, the new is electric.  No more cranking.