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Snowy Morning February 10, 2018

Posted by liajo in good things, Mother Nature, seasons, snow, weather.
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pexels-photo-764562.jpegIt’s a beautiful morning and the sun hasn’t risen yet.  We got a dusting of snow last night.  Just enough snow to cover the winter-brown grass and flower beds, the street, and sidewalks making everything white.  The cloud cover is heavy and grey but it’s not foggy.  There is no moon or stars visible, but it’s bright outside this morning.

I’m sure the brightness has something to do with porch and street lights bouncing back on the pure white snow.  I’m also sure a meteorologist has some big and fancy name for the effect.  But magic works for me.   Mother Nature at work, the beauty she is giving us is a trade-off for the cold and bad driving conditions.

All of my loved ones are safe inside and cookie making is on my agenda today.  I’ll enjoy the beauty of the newly fallen snow this morning and thank Mother Nature for the wonderment of her power.




Cabin Fever January 30, 2018

Posted by liajo in house plants, life, seasons, weather, wild life.
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It starts to happen every year about this time, cabin fever is setting in.  I need to get outside some, I must get outside.  It’s cold still and there is nothing I can do in the gardens.  The sun is up longer, but it still gets dark pretty early.  But I have to get out of the house.

I can only knit, crochet and sew so much.  My hands need to be in the earth.  My houseplants could use some extra attention.  Repotting some of them would let me play in the soil.  That should relieve some of the fever, but probably not all of it.  I’ll still be inside.

It’s time for a walk.  I’ll dress warmly and walk carefully, there are patches of ice.  Even in winter, there are plenty of signs of life.  We still have birds around and geese flying.  I’ll surely see at least one squirrel.  The Evergreens are still pretty and with no leaves on them, the other trees can show their real form.

I walk just might do the trick.

Defined by a blog November 11, 2008

Posted by liajo in good things.
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When I started this blog it was the end of summer and I was full swing into gardening.  Just like I am every year.  That’s why it started out as a gardening blog.

I added Bubba and Allie, our two Jack Russell’s to the blog becasuse well, they spend so much time outside with me in the summer.

Then I added comfort food because well I like to cook the vegetables I grow and just eat in general.

Then it started turning colder.  I’m not gardening much now except for house plants.  Me Bubba and Allie still spend a lot of time together, but its curled up on the couch together.  I’m still cooking my vegetables because I froze so many of them.

Anyway, where is this going?  What I’m trying to say is I want playing n the dirt to be so much more than just gardening and Bubba and Allie and food because well I’m so much more.

Don’t look for “big” huge changes.  Just look for more.  I think I’ll be adding more catorgies and pages soon.